
Foredrag med Tina Dyhr Dupont


How to get ahead with AI

Marketing og Salg og Teknologi




9.500,00 DKK

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285,00 DKK

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9.785,00 DKK

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2.446,25 DKK

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12.231,25 DKK

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How to get ahead with AI

How do some of the world's biggest brands use Algorithms, Automation, AI, and Machine Learning to create customer experiences and loyalty? And why is it important to consider human psychology and physiology when working with the technological design of customer experiences? Tina will address these questions through a series of practical examples and cases. The takeaways you, as a participant, will be able to take home are: How AI can create a hyper-personalized experience Conceptual thoughts on creating customer experiences in an increasingly digital age Inspiration on how you can get started at home Tina Dupont is the Product Manager for AI and Robotics at NTT DATA Business Solutions, including being the head of the Global Digital Human Platform. She is a passionate advocate for humanizing technology and exploring the emotional interaction between humans and technology, including robots, AI, and other virtual entities. With a dynamic digital leadership profile, she has successfully led transformations and spearheaded projects for leading Danish companies across various industries. In addition to her technical background, Tina is educated in physiology and anatomy, possessing deep interest and knowledge in the human hormonal and nervous systems. Bridging the gap between the technological and human worlds is her contribution to humanizing AI, automation, and self-service for a better world. She continuously lectures on these topics at various innovation & AI Masterclasses, including at CBS Executive, the Digitalization Institute, Altinget, and Danish Marketing."

Foredragsholder: Tina Dyhr Dupont

Varighed: 25 - 120 minutter

Emner: Digitalisering, Forretningsudvikling, Kundeoplevelse, Kunstig Intelligens (AI), Machine Learning, Marketing og Salg og Teknologi

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online

Denmark and Online




Baseret på 6 anmeldelser


Karina Harbo Jensen

11. april 2024

Head of Marketing & Communications , Bühlmann


Tina Duponts take på AIs fremtidige rolle i vores branche ramte spot on il Bühlmanns årlige Kick-Off. På trods af at målgruppen og viden på området spændte bredt blandt deltagerne, fangede Tinas oplæg alles opmærksomhed. Tina formår både at formidle emnet på et højt fagligt niveau og bringe smil på alle læber. Vi gik alle inspirerede derfra, og jeg hører fortsat ofte debat af emnet med udgangspunkt i netop Tinas oplæg.


04. april 2024

CEO, Spies


Tina Dupont leverede et enestående indlæg på vores VL netværksmøde om de mange muligheder, som AI giver os både nu og i fremtiden, bl.a. som en katylasator for vækst. Tina’s præsentation var tydelig og letforståelig, og hun formåede at formidle budskabet på en engagerede måde ved hjælp af konkrete og relevante eksempler. Tina gave os et dybere indblik i, hvordan AI åbner op for utallige muligheder, og hvordan det kommer til at forme vores fremtidige udvikling. Hendes viden og ekspertise inde...

Konrad Olsson

07. februar 2024

Grundare, Scandianvian MIND


Tina was professional, insightful, and engaging. She delivered her expertise with heart and humor.