
Foredrag med Bo Steffan Nielsson

HUMAN & AI in coexistence

Fremtid og Forskning og Kommunikation




25.000,00 DKK

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750,00 DKK

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25.750,00 DKK

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6.437,50 DKK

I alt inkl. moms *

32.187,50 DKK

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Technology shapes behavior

Technology change and so do humans. The SINGULARITY is suggesting we integrate both worlds (human & technology) into one future world to improve life. • Why do we need a new behavioural design to meet the digital future? What does it look like ? • How can we as humans adapt to this integration fast enough? • What is psychologically natural for us to adopt with digital technologies? • If we don’t adapt to digital technology fast enough how will we be left behind? • Do we dare to invite AI into our homes, companies, and culture? These topics will be discussed in depth.

Foredragsholder: Bo Steffan Nielsson

Varighed: 45 - 60 minutter

Emner: Adfærd, Fremtid, Fremtid og Forskning og Kommunikation

Sprog: Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk

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