
workshop med Thomas Rex Frederiksen


Strategic Networking - who do you spend your time on? And why?

Communication, Marketing and Sales og Technology




18.000,00 DKK

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540,00 DKK

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18.540,00 DKK

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4.635,00 DKK

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23.175,00 DKK

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How do you use your network to create greater value and meaningfulness?

This lecture is packed with passion, concrete tools, exercises and strategy work. Understand why relationships will always be one of the most important paths to new customers, greater revenue and more meaning and happiness in life Typically, only 2-5% of a given group of people have a strategic approach to their network. Most people take it as it comes - despite the fact that the same people, when asked directly, believe that networking is at least as important as sales, marketing or financial management. You will learn to expand and activate your "dormant" network through a strategic approach, and you will learn how to maintain and nurture your existing network. This lecture aims to inspire the participants to create more loyal customers and increased access of new customers through a strategic approach to networking. So that the participants take greater responsibility through a better understanding and actions for their own networking style and competences. After this lecture, you and your team will Understanding of the principles and rules of the game in networking Understanding of the network mindset Mapping your network and your behavior in relation to sales and networking Definition of strengths and weaknesses in own network Learn to set goals and ask the right questions Concrete methods to nurture and strengthen your network Concrete proposals for strategic expansion of your network Possibility of creating new relationships Target groups Leadership groups Functional managers and their teams Sales organizations Everyone who works with relationships and networking Everyone who needs continuous motivation and greater personal leadership in the team and the company Testimonials "Good energy. FAT with so many exercises. The best way to get started - and continue at home" "Super good and funny teacher. Course content good and appropriate for the time" "Good mix of theory and practice. Very committed communicator." "Relevant and useful professional content - Energetically committed lecturer" "Good and inspiring speaker"

Foredragsholder: Thomas Rex Frederiksen

Varighed: 120 - 480 minutter

Emner: Communication, Digitization, Marketing and Sales, Network, Social Selling og Technology

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk




Baseret på 4 anmeldelser


Lone Toft

02. maj 2019

CCC Nordic A/S


Rigtig god, relevant og energisk præsentation. Intet at anfægte på det engelske sprog, som var fluent og tilpasset målgruppen i jargon. Thomas ramte målgruppen godt på indhold, ingen tvivl om at han fik sat et aftryk hos den enkelte deltager i større eller mindre grad. Inspirerende og motiverende oplæg, efterladte folk med det friske pust og refleksion, som vi havde købt ind på. “Det personlige lederskab”. Thomas var på og lykkedes fordi han tydeligvis brænder for det han underviser i og har en...

Marit Heemstra

07. januar 2019



Jeg synes at han er super god til at præsentere, lave øvelser og holde øjnekontakt. Spændende kontekst med at finde sin speaker personlighed. Derudover ser han godt og selvsikker ud, meget repræsentativ, og det har jeg lært meget af – hvor vigtigt det kan være.

Hanne og Peter Bjerre

07. januar 2019



God til interaktion og til at connecte med folk. TIllidsskabende. Troværdig. Talte for lavt i starten, men justerede til et fint niveau. Flere billeder på slides.