
workshop med Thomas Rex Frederiksen


Personal Leadership - The key to lasting success




18.000,00 DKK

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540,00 DKK

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18.540,00 DKK

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4.635,00 DKK

I alt inkl. moms *

23.175,00 DKK

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A highly motivating and interactive workshop that also creates results in the long run!

Regardless of whether you have to lead a team, whether you have to work with strategic management, whether you have to manage your family and your private life or whether you have to be managed by others or be able to be part of teams - you must start by being able to manage yourself. Millions of kroner are wasted every year. Because Danish companies invest in professional development – but forget personal leadership. It's like having a nail but no hammer. Studies show that up to 80% of our results depend on non-professional skills - on our personal leadership. It is our personal leadership that puts our professionalism into play. We may be hired on the basis of our professional training - but we will certainly be fired because of our personality - or lack of personal leadership. After 6 months appointment, no one can remember if you are educated at CBS, University of Applied Sciences or the School of Horticulture - but they can remember if you are disciplined and stick to your agreements, if you can create a good atmosphere, if you can motivate people around you, if you know how to handle conflicts and whether you can set goals and persistently work towards achieving them. It's all about personal leadership - it has nothing to do with professionalism. So personal leadership is not about what's on the business card. It's a mindset. You can easily go through life without any particular personal leadership - but then it will just be on other people's terms. Personal leadership is about knowing yourself to the core and taking responsibility. It is about knowing your values, your beliefs and your habits and understanding how to adjust these. Personal leadership is also about being proactive instead of reactive, about being change-creating instead of change-ready – it's about taking responsibility and being at the wheel instead of in the back seat. It is about prioritizing self-insight, which is a prerequisite for self-understanding, which is a prerequisite for all development and ultimately for success. At this rousing lecture you will, among other things, be introduced to some of the most important strategies for personal leadership and success - "The 7 S's" and "The Compound Effect" I look forward to coming out to your company and delivering a fun and motivating pep talk that is guaranteed to create both reflection and new action. Personal leadership is a prerequisite for the behavior that creates good habits and ultimately results - regardless of whether it is about greater efficiency, more job satisfaction, less stress, greater commitment, better sales or faster changes in an increasingly changeable world. Based on your situation, we focus on: What is personal leadership in your organization? What challenges can/should you work with on a daily basis How the little things can create huge results Why is it important to work with personal leadership How can you work in the future to develop personal leadership in the organisation How you create both a better working environment and greater commitment How can you achieve bigger and more goals? The most important success strategies that can move you and your team quantum leaps forward in performance How to hold up the mirror and acknowledge where the shoe presses What are values and what are beliefs? To create significantly greater efficiency The 7 S's The compound effect Target groups Leadership groups Functional managers and their teams Sales organizations Project groups Network Everyone who needs continuous motivation and greater personal leadership in the team and the company Testimonials Thomas Rex has just given an engrossing, involving and motivating presentation for our management group about "Personal leadership". Thomas conducted the teaching in English with a spot-on jargon for the target group. Thomas has an energetic and passionate radiance that quickly captures the audience. He is good at anchoring messages in concrete humorous examples that everyone can relate to, and avoids the communication becoming fluffy management theories or of a stand-up nature. Many thanks for his performance and thanks for the impression and reflection he has undoubtedly left on the individual employee to a greater or lesser extent" Lone Toft Nordic HR Manager CCC Nordic "Thank you for a very inspiring and lively lecture on leadership. Despite the fact that people were a little tired from the night before, I think you managed to get your messages through very well and I have the impression that people went home in a good mood and food for thought." Anna Schönning Mr. Boss House company "On a themed day on Personal Leadership at Aarhus Maskinmesterskole, the Association of Machinists' Leadership network - had the pleasure of a top-tuned speech from business coach, Thomas Rex, who gave our 32 machinists in leading positions a heady insight into the value of disciplined self-management, as a prerequisite for other management disciplines.” Peter Blach Project manager Association of machinists

Foredragsholder: Thomas Rex Frederiksen

Varighed: 150 - 300 minutter


Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk




Baseret på 4 anmeldelser


Lone Toft

02. maj 2019

CCC Nordic A/S


Rigtig god, relevant og energisk præsentation. Intet at anfægte på det engelske sprog, som var fluent og tilpasset målgruppen i jargon. Thomas ramte målgruppen godt på indhold, ingen tvivl om at han fik sat et aftryk hos den enkelte deltager i større eller mindre grad. Inspirerende og motiverende oplæg, efterladte folk med det friske pust og refleksion, som vi havde købt ind på. “Det personlige lederskab”. Thomas var på og lykkedes fordi han tydeligvis brænder for det han underviser i og har en...

Marit Heemstra

07. januar 2019



Jeg synes at han er super god til at præsentere, lave øvelser og holde øjnekontakt. Spændende kontekst med at finde sin speaker personlighed. Derudover ser han godt og selvsikker ud, meget repræsentativ, og det har jeg lært meget af – hvor vigtigt det kan være.

Hanne og Peter Bjerre

07. januar 2019



God til interaktion og til at connecte med folk. TIllidsskabende. Troværdig. Talte for lavt i starten, men justerede til et fint niveau. Flere billeder på slides.