
one-to-one med Thomas Rex Frederiksen


Stand strong on stage - whether physically or online

Communication, Management, Motivation, Personal development og Presentation technique




1.800,00 DKK

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54,00 DKK

I alt ekskl. moms

1.854,00 DKK

25% moms

463,50 DKK

I alt inkl. moms *

2.317,50 DKK

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Become visible, win over customers, attract the right employees and speed up your career

How do you grab people's attention and win them over? How do you create energy and a good atmosphere in the "room"? How do you structure your presentation so that you retain people throughout? How do you use powerpoints without boring people to death? How can you ensure that the message is understood and acted upon? What special rules of the game do you need to know and master online? How can you work with multiple instruments? How do you involve your audience and create ownership? How do you deliver your message authentically and with impact? How do you get the courage and desire to take the stage more? How do you actually write a screenplay? .... and much much more Are you a manager, owner-manager, seller and do you need to get your message out to either groups of customers, employees, investors or others - yes, it may be important for you to learn to own the stage. Prices from 1800/hour for longer courses Testimonials "It has been instructive to work with Thomas – who has a very broad palette and background to draw on. He is not afraid to draw on these – and challenge me. Always with respect and so that I am not pushed too far out of the comfort zone. " Henrik Gregersen CEO of Cryptera "Can definitely be recommended!! Thomas Rex Frederiksen you are a fantastic coach and teacher. Thank you for good training and coaching and some really good tools and models." Martina Banach CEO & Designer from La Chance "Thomas is very authentic and genuinely cares about his clients. I have experienced that I have learned some techniques that I wish I had learned many years ago. I give many speeches and lectures in my work, so for me it has been important to gain access to the best strategies and to a deeper understanding of the opportunities that the scene offers. Many thanks for a really rewarding process – I'm sending some of my colleagues off too." Thomas Vestergaard Director NNIT "As a sales & marketing manager, being able to deliver my message from the stage or in the meeting room is an important competence. I have done it for many years, but must admit that I have learned an incredible amount during this process. From small simple trix that have lifted my level enormous, to knowledge I simply did not have. I feel significantly more confident today and, above all, have got some models and formulas that I can use every time you go on stage. I would definitely recommend Thomas - he is a really skilled teacher who invests a lot of energy in the course." Torben Schmidt Sales & Marketing Manager Panasonic "An unbelievably talented coach. Nothing less! Thomas Rex has worked with some of the most famous and inspiring people in the world, and you can feel it. Thomas possesses insane star power, is a strong communicator and therefore an extremely skilled presenter coach. He manages to make you feel as strong as the stars, to see – and believe in – your unrealized potential and to make you comfortable on a stage. Thomas helps set the framework for your messages to hit the spot audience so that you become an extremely skilled communicator who burns through with full force. THANK YOU, Thomas!" Esther Dora Rado CEO Corporate Communications

Foredragsholder: Thomas Rex Frederiksen

Varighed: 60 - 60 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Board work, Body language, Challenges, Change management, Coaching, Communication, Company culture, Conflict management, Cooperation, Couple relationship, Crisis management, Dissemination, Distance management, Female leadership, Focus, Goals, Growth, HR, Identity, Inclusion, Job satisfaction, Leadership groups, Management, Management processor, Master management, Meditation, Meeting culture, Mental training, Motivation, Network, Performance, Personal challenges, Personal development, Personal effectiveness, Personal management, Personality test, Presentation technique, Psychology, Self-management, Talent development, Trend, Willpower, Winning mentality og Work environment

Sprog: Dansk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online




Baseret på 4 anmeldelser


Lone Toft

02. maj 2019

CCC Nordic A/S


Rigtig god, relevant og energisk præsentation. Intet at anfægte på det engelske sprog, som var fluent og tilpasset målgruppen i jargon. Thomas ramte målgruppen godt på indhold, ingen tvivl om at han fik sat et aftryk hos den enkelte deltager i større eller mindre grad. Inspirerende og motiverende oplæg, efterladte folk med det friske pust og refleksion, som vi havde købt ind på. “Det personlige lederskab”. Thomas var på og lykkedes fordi han tydeligvis brænder for det han underviser i og har en...

Marit Heemstra

07. januar 2019



Jeg synes at han er super god til at præsentere, lave øvelser og holde øjnekontakt. Spændende kontekst med at finde sin speaker personlighed. Derudover ser han godt og selvsikker ud, meget repræsentativ, og det har jeg lært meget af – hvor vigtigt det kan være.

Hanne og Peter Bjerre

07. januar 2019



God til interaktion og til at connecte med folk. TIllidsskabende. Troværdig. Talte for lavt i starten, men justerede til et fint niveau. Flere billeder på slides.