
one-to-one med Thomas Rex Frederiksen


Self-Management: The Path to Personal Success





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3 steps to achieve more success - in the long run

In the course you will learn: Why You Are Not More Successful in Your Life Why What Feels Good Today May Be Taking You on the Wrong Course How to Make the Right Choices to Achieve Your Goals How to Create Your Own Action Plan for Your Personal Success Description More than ever before, we are bombarded with messages that we can lose weight, find happiness, get rich, get fit, be more beautiful and younger - all without much effort. If only you are willing to take out a subscription, buy a training course or a juice diet. Advertisements and claims like these unfortunately help to distort the perception of what it really takes to be successful. Maybe it is actually your personal goal to advance in your career, get in better shape, become healthier or to achieve something else you define as success. Why is it important to you? What are your goals? And what is your strategy to reach them? In this course you will learn what leads to personal success in life. And if you buy the messages you see in advertisements and posts on your social media - well, you might be surprised. This course is about making choices. About knowing what to choose from in order to choose your personal success. The first and biggest choice is to take control of one's life, and after watching this course you will know how to define your core values, how to achieve your goals and how to create your own success. Book the course at https://www.ownthestage.dk/selvledelse-vejen-til-personlig-succes

Foredragsholder: Thomas Rex Frederiksen

Varighed: 60 - 60 minutter

Emner: Growth, Leadership groups, Management, Personal management og Self-management

Sprog: Dansk


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Baseret på 4 anmeldelser


Lone Toft

02. maj 2019

CCC Nordic A/S


Rigtig god, relevant og energisk præsentation. Intet at anfægte på det engelske sprog, som var fluent og tilpasset målgruppen i jargon. Thomas ramte målgruppen godt på indhold, ingen tvivl om at han fik sat et aftryk hos den enkelte deltager i større eller mindre grad. Inspirerende og motiverende oplæg, efterladte folk med det friske pust og refleksion, som vi havde købt ind på. “Det personlige lederskab”. Thomas var på og lykkedes fordi han tydeligvis brænder for det han underviser i og har en...

Marit Heemstra

07. januar 2019



Jeg synes at han er super god til at præsentere, lave øvelser og holde øjnekontakt. Spændende kontekst med at finde sin speaker personlighed. Derudover ser han godt og selvsikker ud, meget repræsentativ, og det har jeg lært meget af – hvor vigtigt det kan være.

Hanne og Peter Bjerre

07. januar 2019



God til interaktion og til at connecte med folk. TIllidsskabende. Troværdig. Talte for lavt i starten, men justerede til et fint niveau. Flere billeder på slides.