
talk med Thomas Rex Frederiksen


Own The Stage - step forward and be heard

Presentation technique og Technology




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Become the leader who wins the customers, motivates the team and attracts the investors

Many find that they have challenges in winning the audience's favor when they deliver a speech or a presentation. To make the audience relax, enjoy the speech and laugh. This is due, among other things, to that you do not know your Natural Speaker Personality and therefore risk losing the connection with the audience. If you first lose the connection, your message will not have impact and it will not be acted upon. But it doesn't have to be that way. There is actually a 3-step model that can ensure that you as a speaker can win over the audience - every time you go on stage, deliver a presentation in the meeting room or a webinar. Learn i.a. about: - The three steps to winning over the audience - every time you take the stage - Why you should always start with why - Why authenticity is so important and how to find your authentic style - Why people forget 75% of your post and what you can do about it – How to involve the audience and why you should do it - How you get off to a good start and finish with style For 10 years, Thomas was at the head of Denmark's largest lecture club and in that connection shared the stage with more than 400 of Denmark's and the world's most talented lecturers, experts and leaders. He has gathered everything he learned in the concept of Own The Stage, which Thomas uses to help managers, salespeople, entrepreneurs and experts take the stage and put money in the account when they stand there. p.s. The lecture can also be held in English. Testimonials "Thanks! Cool post you had for us on Thursday. The best and (for me) most useful I've experienced" Christian Vinther Christensen CEO Nordics "Thank you dear Thomas. It was an exquisite pleasure and not least very educational. Thank you for sharing your great experience and knowledge!" Charlotte Hvidkjær Sales manager Resurs Bank "Thank you very much for an inspiring and educational session! Super cool concept and definitely useful for becoming better "On Stage" and in other contexts where a message needs to be conveyed beyond the ramp!" Henrik Stampe CSO Toogoodtogo.com "Very rewarding. You are a really good teacher. I can only recommend taking part." Soren Hartung Department manager/Partner Deloitte "It was really cool to join yesterday. I might not have had high expectations, but I got caught and couldn't let go again. I'm looking forward to using some of your tricks." Morten Nielsen Product Manager Wolters Kluwer A/S "Thank you for a great lecture – the material will make me fly when I go on stage in a week!" Mia Balint CEO Horse events "Super cool and educational day and evening in good company. Thomas' concept works!" Klaus Ollgaard Owner, Residential Exclusive

Foredragsholder: Thomas Rex Frederiksen

Varighed: 60 - 120 minutter

Emner: Body language, Digitization, Dissemination, Presentation technique og Technology

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online




Baseret på 4 anmeldelser


Lone Toft

02. maj 2019

CCC Nordic A/S


Rigtig god, relevant og energisk præsentation. Intet at anfægte på det engelske sprog, som var fluent og tilpasset målgruppen i jargon. Thomas ramte målgruppen godt på indhold, ingen tvivl om at han fik sat et aftryk hos den enkelte deltager i større eller mindre grad. Inspirerende og motiverende oplæg, efterladte folk med det friske pust og refleksion, som vi havde købt ind på. “Det personlige lederskab”. Thomas var på og lykkedes fordi han tydeligvis brænder for det han underviser i og har en...

Marit Heemstra

07. januar 2019



Jeg synes at han er super god til at præsentere, lave øvelser og holde øjnekontakt. Spændende kontekst med at finde sin speaker personlighed. Derudover ser han godt og selvsikker ud, meget repræsentativ, og det har jeg lært meget af – hvor vigtigt det kan være.

Hanne og Peter Bjerre

07. januar 2019



God til interaktion og til at connecte med folk. TIllidsskabende. Troværdig. Talte for lavt i starten, men justerede til et fint niveau. Flere billeder på slides.