
workshop med Lone Østergaard


Workshop: From noisy to living large spaces

Management og Motivation


Foto: Storrumshæfte, Slip Stolen, 2024



18.000,00 DKK

Beregnes senere

540,00 DKK

I alt ekskl. moms

18.540,00 DKK

25% moms

4.635,00 DKK

I alt inkl. moms *

23.175,00 DKK

Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.

Noise and disturbances become more of a nuisance when no action is taken. Do something - and keep the employees in the big room.

Too little movement and too many disturbances - this is everyday life for many employees in large offices. And that comes with a consequence: reduced well-being, job satisfaction that lags, challenged productivity and perhaps even grumbling and grumbling in the corners. We can't expect working relationships for a number of people to work in the same room to just work if we haven't talked a little about how it can work. On the other hand, there are so many things that almost resolve themselves if we take it up and show that we take it seriously. Taking the work in the big room seriously helps to retain employees, and it is an important asset when you need to attract new employees. Learn to turn up the movements and down the distractions - and create a working day at the desk that adds energy to the day. It has great significance for the individual employee - and it affects the culture and working environment for all employees. You get, among other things, Slip Stolen's 10-step model for working in a structured way with both noise and disturbances, and you see the value in dividing into noise and disturbances in order to solve it. This means that you are left with several very concrete measures which are ready to be implemented after the workshop, and you know how to work further with it. Workshop 2-4 hours: DKK 18,000 excl. VAT and transport 20 large booklets included in the price. Extra booklets cost DKK 50 excl. VAT per PCS. We adapt the time to your event.

Foredragsholder: Lone Østergaard

Varighed: 120 - 240 minutter

Emner: Job satisfaction, Management, Motivation og Work environment

Sprog: Dansk


Tilgængelig fysisk




Baseret på 10 anmeldelser



04. april 2024

H. Lundbeck A/S


Meget sympatisk person og indholdet i foredraget Slip stolen var relevant for mig og godt formidlet.

Maria Lundberg

04. april 2024

Senior Specialist GPS HSE representant, Lundbeck


Godt foredrag, enkle budskaber. God blanding mellem passiv lyttende og små øvelser. Missede de sidste 3 min derfor ved jeg ikke om der var spørgetid. Lidt mere interaktion med publikum ville have været godt feks mulighed for at spørge publikum om noget.


04. april 2024

Serialization project driver, Lundbeck


Godt og lærerigt foredrag om vigtigheden af bevægelse, ikke kun i din arbejdsdag, men i løbet af hele dagen. Der var nogle få tekniske problemer, men Lone formåede at holde opmærksomheden og gøre et potentielt tørt emne interessant og humoristisk