
talk med Jesper Theilgaard


The natural and unnatural climate change

Future and Research og Climate and Sustainability




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What will the earth's climate look like in the future?

The Earth's climate is the basis for life, which can arise and develop at any time. During the lifetime of the earth, there have been many different species, some of which have been able to dominate life on this planet. But the earth's climate is not stable and uniform - after all, in shorter periods, but over time periods of many thousands of years, natural changes occur that affect life and the species that can thrive. The best example is of course ice ages and interglacials that alternate between each other for completely natural reasons. Today, the globe is dominated by a certain species – Homo sapiens – that inhabits all areas and leaves its distinctive mark everywhere. It is naturally logical that there must be a reaction in nature when the impact is so significant. The big question is therefore whether, from the state in which we have brought ourselves, we will be able to restore the balances that a healthy nature requires, or have we passed the tipping point where a return to healthy cohesion between man and nature will once again prevail. We have made international agreements which will contribute to this - i.a. The Paris Agreement – but is it enough and what kind of future do we see ahead of us?

Foredragsholder: Jesper Theilgaard

Varighed: 15 - 90 minutter

Emner: Clima, Climate and Sustainability, Future, Future and Research, Sustainability og The 17 World Goals

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online




Baseret på 3 anmeldelser



22. marts 2023

Jesper er en dygtig formidler, og hans store viden indenfor området kom tydeligt til udtryk. Vi lærte en masse, og han var god at forventningsafstemme med inden foredraget.

Ida Haddad

07. marts 2023

Bæredygtighedskonsulent, Gentofte Kommune


Jeg hørte Jesper Theilgaards spændende og vigtige oplæg 'Hvordan får vi deleøkonomi og bæredygtighed ind i boligforeningen?' på Boligforeningernes Dag d. 4. marts. Foredraget var godt planlagt og formidlet i forhold til at koble klimakrisen til den konkrete hverdag rundt om i landets boligforeninger med de potentialer, der er i hverdagsfællesskaberne her. Jesper gjorde foredraget personligt og nærværende ved at fortælle om sin egen boligforening og initiativet omkring opsætning af ladestandere. ...

Siw Egede

07. marts 2023

Projektleder, Arena Marketing


Det var et rigtig godt foredrag og Jesper var rigtig god til at vinkle det så det passede til vores publikum.