
talk med Henrik Schramm Rasmussen


Sustainability reporting: The road to responsible practice

Climate and Sustainability og Communication




14.500,00 DKK

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435,00 DKK

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14.935,00 DKK

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3.733,75 DKK

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18.668,75 DKK

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This is how you create the credible sustainability narrative

Attend this lecture on sustainability reporting, which is aimed at companies that are about to start an ESG/sustainability reporting for the first time. We focus on the importance of documenting and communicating companies' impact on economic, environmental and social factors. We talk about the benefits of preparing a sustainability report and how it can help companies build credibility and create competitive advantages. Sustainability reporting is an excellent management tool for the company's responsible practices. We delve into the most important elements of the sustainability report, including how to explain the sustainability topics you work with, stakeholder involvement as well as goals, sub-goals and data. Through concrete examples, participants gain insight into how companies can build a structured and meaningful sustainability report. With the lecture, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainability reporting and the concrete steps needed to build an informative and credible report. Regardless of whether you represent a company, an organization or are interested in understanding corporate sustainability efforts, this lecture will provide valuable insights and inspiration for the path towards responsible practice. Henrik Schramm Rasmussen is a senior advisor and specialist in sustainability. He is the founder and owner of MIND YOUR BUSINESS, where he teaches and develops sustainability strategies for the benefit of companies' bottom lines and sustainable development. Henrik has worked for Dansk Industri (DI) for 18 years, from which he has gained extensive experience from the companies.

Foredragsholder: Henrik Schramm Rasmussen

Varighed: 45 - 60 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, CSR, Climate and Sustainability, Communication, Cooperation og Sustainability

Sprog: Dansk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online

The whole country. The price is exclusive of transport time and transport costs.




Baseret på 11 anmeldelser


Maria Bekker Larsen

05. oktober 2023

Driftsspecialist, Coor A/S


Tak for 3 spændende og meget lærerige dage på Ballerup Rådhus - omend der også var mere nedslående informationer i blandt. Desværre er det jo netop derfor at kurset er så relevant, og jeg håber derfor mange andre vil bruge ressourcerne på at få samme information. Ikke mindst fordi det foruden vigtig viden også giver et kæmpe motivations boost for at tænke mere miljøbevidst, som vi alle har god gavn af.

Brian Møller

20. september 2023

Salgschef Erhverv, NRGI Rådgivning


Super godt faciliteret kursus i bæredygtig business med sjæl. Tak for mange inspirerende inputs og nye vinkler i forhold til, at verden kan og må flyttes i en ny og mere realistisk retning i forhold til flere og flere mennesker om planetens begrænsede resurser.

Stine Lind

11. september 2023

HR leder, POB Entreprenør AS


Vi booket inn Henrik på to-dagers varsel og han var fleksibel nok å stilte opp. Hans foredrag var interessant, nyttig og ikke minst - spennende. Anbefaler absolutt Henrik når det komme til bæredyktighet og strategi.