
talk med Luise Thye-Østergaard

Who are you without your titles?

Personal development og Health




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How do you stand by yourself and optimize quality of life and job satisfaction?

Are you brave enough to stand up for what is yours? I have embarked on a journey of a lifetime – drawn by a single question – who am I? First I found that I was not all my titles and all that I had achieved - NO - I was something completely different if I stopped and gave myself time and space to feel what my feelings were actually telling me – then I experienced sides of myself that I had suppressed, held back, or quite simply had never seen. I saw sides of myself that I couldn't see fit into my self-image and the society I live in - BUT I found the courage and overcame the fear that others would put me, my children and my family off. I stood by me - and in that space I experienced a new strength, a new creativity and an authenticity that could only emerge if I found the courage to be me. Me regardless of norms, expectations and ideas - just me. So who am I – who are you? This is the question that Luise Thye-Østergaard asks, because the more you stand by what is you, the better version of yourself you become in your private and professional life.

Foredragsholder: Luise Thye-Østergaard

Varighed: 15 - 45 minutter

Emner: Balance, Health, Identity, Lifestyle, Personal development og Personal effectiveness

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online

The product is available in the regions: Capital Region

Appetizer: Vores tilknyttede eksperters appetizer-foredrag er helt ekskl. hos Youandx. De varer fra 15 til 60 minutter, og er en kort indføring til den enkeltes foredragsholders speciale. Disse foredrag er billigere end vores traditionelle foredrag, da indholdet er kendetegnet ved at være fastlagt både indholds- og tidsmæssigt og har derudover et begrænset deltagerantal


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