
talk med Mads Voigt Hingelberg

Create value from your own data in industrial companies

Management og Technology




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How can you use your own data in the company and create results?

For this lecture, Mads Voigt Hingelberg provides first-hand experiences. He is an expert in industrial data acquisition and processing. The lecture is a reflection of how ready your own business is to work more data-driven. Finally, you get practical tools to take home with which you can work. During the lecture, Mads will draw on interesting cases from his own customers in Danish industry. Finally, he will give some concrete examples of smaller initiatives that can make a big difference for the individual employee.

Foredragsholder: Mads Voigt Hingelberg

Varighed: 15 - 60 minutter

Emner: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Data analysis, Management, Technology og Work environment

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


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