
talk med Mads Voigt Hingelberg

Big data for professionals

Future and Research og Technology




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How do you use Big Data to create results on the bottom line?

This lecture is aimed at people who work with data today, or who have a professional interest in being updated on the latest technologies for processing large amounts of data. We look at Cloud functions for real-time processing based on Google Cloud. From here we look at how the right algorithm can become a business in itself - and perhaps a new product for your company. We take our vision for granted, but if we are able to present large amounts of data in the right way, the human eye can be an excellent alternative to complex and opaque analyses. Processing large amounts of data on graphics cards is the future. We dive into a number of demonstrations and you get some pointers on how to get started. Finally, we take a look into the future and see how quantum computers work and what new possibilities they can give you.

Foredragsholder: Mads Voigt Hingelberg

Varighed: 15 - 90 minutter

Emner: Big Data, Data analysis, Future and Research, Future trends og Technology

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


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