
talk med Lars Christensen


Artificial intelligence (AI) and the economy of the future

Economics and Finance og Technology




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Will artificial intelligence take your job or make you a multi-millionaire - you decide for yourself

In 2023, we have really started talking about artificial intelligence, and most people have now become familiar with ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools. Anyone who has "played" even a little with these tools will realize that there has truly been a technological leap. A leap that can fundamentally change working life and everyday life for most of us. But what does this mean for the economy? Will artificial intelligence take all the jobs? Or will that artificial intelligence increase productivity growth so much that we will all be much richer? In this lecture, economist Lars Christensen takes a look at artificial intelligence from an economic perspective. Among other things, he will take us back in time to previous technological advances and what they meant for growth, employment and inflation, and he will try to answer the very fundamental questions of whether we should fear the new technology or whether we should embrace the new technology, and see it as the answer to a number of the big challenges of the time, such as the aging population. In the lecture, Lars Christensen will also discuss the importance of the new technology for various sectors and industries. Where are the opportunities greatest? Where are the threats greatest? And finally, Lars Christensen will explain what we can expect artificial intelligence to mean for the financial markets - both in relation to the outlook for the markets, and for how we as investors can use artificial intelligence to make more sensible investments.

Foredragsholder: Lars Christensen

Varighed: 30 - 120 minutter

Emner: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Digitization, Economics and Finance, Economy og Technology

Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og sv


Tilgængelig fysisk og online




Baseret på 13 anmeldelser


Peter Ulrik Kessel

23. april 2024

Direktør, R.I. Vermögensbetreuung AG


Informativt digitalt 1:1 møde med Lars om AI og ChatGPT. Vi berørte mange emner inden for AI samt potentielle anvendelsesområder, specifikt i vores virksomhed. Indholdet var godt, og det blev formidlet på en super måde. Kan varmt anbefales!

Henrik Thomasen

08. marts 2024

Chief Analyst, EIFO (Danish ECA)


Indsigtsfuldt, tankevækkende og lærerigt!

Christian Dawe

16. februar 2024

Inspirerende og kompetent sparring om AI, Lars' tilgang til AI er en øjenåbner, tak for det.