
Søren Ejlersen

Søren Ejlersen shares inspiring knowledge about tools, visions and methods that Aarstiderne uses to maintain its high pace of innovation.

Om Søren Ejlersen

Søren Ejlersen is a trained chef from Restaurant Kommandanten. He has previously been a restaurateur at Røde Hus and worked at both Saison and Skagen Fish Restaurant. In 1999, together with farmer Thomas Harttung, he founded "Aarstiderne", which delivers organic vegetable boxes directly to the door of over 45,000 customers in both Denmark and Sweden. For this innovative concept, they have won awards such as the "E-commerce prize", the "Royal Green Food Award" and an honorary diploma from the Danish Gastronomic Academy. Søren's lecture provides insight into the management style at "Aarstiderne" and an insight into how they connect fantasy and bottom line and make reality come together. .


  • Future and Research
  • Future
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Concept development
  • Climate and Sustainability
  • The 17 World Goals
  • Technology
  • Innovative approach


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