
Laust Lauridsen

The brain-friendly approach to management, learning and development - lectures, workshops and courses




Om Laust Lauridsen

We live in a bio-psycho-social reality where body, mind and swarm constantly exchange energy and information in complex flows and patterns. The brain is part of the biological body, the mind contains thoughts and feelings, while the swarm is the new reality emerging from the cloud of artificial intelligence and digitized communities. How we as individuals, society and the world will cope in the hybrid reality of the future depends on our ability to realize the potential. Our ideas, choices and actions will determine to what extent we can adapt and contribute to the necessary regeneration of life and work. The brain-friendly approach is designed to make change and transformation as easy, fun and rewarding as possible. Used in management, it creates new leadership space for decision-making, co-creation and self-development. In development projects, the brain-friendly approach enables management and teams to work with unfamiliar, challenging and different ideas. In the design of learning, experience and behaviour, the brain-friendly approach provides the opportunity to integrate what resonates with what is relevant in order to create sustainable solutions and the desired impact. Brain friendliness is a mindset, a framework and a practice that can be learned by everyone. The man behind the brain-friendly approach, Laust Lauridsen, is a trained doctor and has mostly worked as a developer, mediator and consultant. At Laust, expert knowledge in neuroscience and psychology is mixed with experience as a creative leader, facilitator and teacher. It provides a strong cocktail of wisdom and inspiration, served with intense presence and redemptive humor. Laust has developed a universe of concepts, methods and frameworks within human transformation and conscious management. The focus is on working with and not against the brain, leading with energy awareness, developing people to develop ideas, creating life-giving narratives and finding new solutions to our many challenges as individuals, communities and humanity. As the doctor who has chosen to work with everything other than illness, Laust quite naturally focuses on well-being, psychological security and mental health. Said during a post: "We must take care of ourselves and each other in order to live happily and fully unfold human potential. Body, mind and swarm must come together in a higher unity. It requires a brain-friendly approach that makes it easy , fun and rewarding to change and anchor." Be inspired by the lectures and workshops described, but do not hesitate to contact Laust if you have other wishes.


  • Management
  • Change management
  • Leadership groups
  • Meeting culture
  • Company culture
  • Management processor
  • Personal management
  • Self-management
  • Growth
  • Personal development
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Psychology
  • Mental training
  • Focus
  • Identity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Co-creation
  • Concept development
  • Creativity
  • Strategy
  • Technology
  • Innovative approach
  • Disruption
  • Climate and Sustainability
  • Sustainability
  • Health
  • Balance
  • Lifestyle
  • Stress
  • Future and Research
  • Brain research
  • Communication
  • Behaviour
  • Inclusion
  • Cooperation
  • Conflict management
  • Motivation
  • Goals
  • Job satisfaction
  • Talent development


Tilbyder fysiske og online ydelser

Anmeldelser af Laust Lauridsen



Baseret på 6 anmeldelser


Henning Kaae Glarvig

22. februar 2023

Direktør, HELP@HEAD


Min virksomhed HELPAHEAD.DK & KAFFEMØDER.DK beskæftiger os med efteruddannelse, primært af ledige Borgere rundt om i landets kommuner. I den forbindelse har vi netop afholdt et yderst vellykket forløb for Borgere i Frederiksberg Kommune i målgruppesegmentet 50+. Her gav Laust et yderst tankevækkende, perspektiverende, motiverende & særligt reflekterende indlæg på 2 timer, som helt forståeligt udløste stående applaus fra samtlige 22 deltagere på holdet! Vi laver selv egen ugentlige evalueringe...

Véronique Havrehed

21. november 2022

L&D consultant , DFDS A/S

Anmeldelse handler om: Workshop


Laust delivered a 4-hour workshop "My brain - your problem" for our Talent Development / High Potential programme. Our participants rated this workshop among the top in their entire 12-month programme. They appreciate laust' great mix of highly interesting and relevant content, structured yet flexible delivery and fantastic facilitation mixing group sharing, task challenges, personal reflection and even physical power breaks. We will definitely hire Laust again for our top programmes.

Sara van Putten

21. november 2022


Anmeldelse handler om: Workshop


Jeg kan varmt anbefale Laust som foredragsholder. Vi deltog 20 personer i hans workshop "min hjerne, dit problem" og det var en perfekt blanding af præsentation med spændende facts og workshop, hvor vi i mindre grupper kunne arbejde og reflektere. Laust er meget medrivende og spændende at lytte til, så det lykkedes ham at fastholde vores interesse i alle 4 timer fra 14-18, hvilket er ret imponerende. Laust får derfor mine varmeste anbefalinger, og jeg håber jeg får mulighed for at være med til ...

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Laust Lauridsen har ingen videoer i galleriet.