
Lars AP

Fucking smart and full of fun ideas




Om Lars AP

Lars AP is the man behind the book and the movement Fucking Flink. The goal is to animate us Danes - one of the world's happiest bunch - to also become the world's nicest. With his infectious kindness, he has brought 170,000+ people along over the years. Lars is widely used by the media as an expert in politeness, cooperation and social interaction. And then he's an expert at getting ideas — and helping others get them. Lars is behind a number of books, e.g. Geniale Ideer, Fucking Flink and Århsome, and was also behind the DR program series Ultra Fucking Flink. Lars has also been a writer in the film and advertising industries, best known as the screenwriter behind Polle from Snave. In 2021, one of his early scripts was bought for remake. The Hollywood version of Ambulance is directed by Michael Bay (Pearl Harbor, Transformers), starring Jake Gyllenhaal. When Lars is not on stage, he acts as an advisor in strategy, innovation and culture change in organizations at home and abroad, and has solved long-term tasks for eg Novo Nordisk, Copenhagen Municipality, the Financial Association and Vestas. He was part of then climate minister Connie Hedegaard's panel of zealots. Lars is an extremely popular lecturer and delivers entertaining and thought-provoking presentations & workshops. They address the audience directly and involve them. And Lars is a keen observer. He tackles the organization's challenges and provides simple but surprising tools to solve them: Respect that the secretary often gets better ideas than the director. And remember that clever begets cleverer. Bottom line? Lars AP a nice guy. And known for creating such a good atmosphere in the room that the tealights self-ignite. You should book him 😃


  • Communication
  • Behaviour
  • Inclusion
  • Cooperation
  • Motivation
  • Job satisfaction
  • Management
  • Company culture
  • Leadership groups
  • Personal management
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Branding
  • Business development
  • PR


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Anmeldelser af Lars AP



Baseret på 9 anmeldelser


Bo Rump

20. juni 2023

Afdelingsleder, Studenterrådgivningen (SPS-afdelingen)

Anmeldelse handler om: Workshop


Vi er en arbejdsplads, der er vokset rigtig meget i løbet af de sidste par år. Det har betydet mange nye kolleger, der skal oplæres og ikke mindst integreres i det sociale fællesskab. Især det sidste kan være let at glemme i en travl arbejdsdag, og dér var Lars’ Århsome-workshop en fantastisk god ramme for at arbejde og tale med hinanden på en anden måde end vanligt. Lars både oplyser og underholder, og han skaber rum for de personlige historier uden at tabe blikket for, at vi befinder os i en a...

Jens Søndergaard

19. juni 2023

General Manager , DBTA | Danish Business Travel Association

Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag


Som Lars selv siger så skal man være flink og rose når der er noget at rose 😊 Og Lars og hans relevante indlæg fik STOR positiv feedback 💪😊 Et yderst relevant, inspirerende og brugbart indlæg om kommunikation.

Anvør Schneider-Abrahamsen

12. juni 2023

Ledende lægesekretær, Aalborg Universitetshospital, Neurologisk Afdeling

Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag


Tusind tak for et super foredrag. Det var virkelig fedt at mærke den energi det gav sekretærerne. Jeg kunne tydeligt mærke i fredags, at det havde bidraget med noget positivt. Du har virkelig mange gode pointer, der giver stof til eftertanke. Hvordan vi kan gøre både vores egen og andres dage en smule bedre med meget lille indsats. Virkelig et tiltrængt indspark i deres meget travle og pressede hverdag.

Giv en anmeldelse



Fucking Flink Dig Selv: Træn din sociale sixpack

Hej Nabo!

Mere bobleplast i hverdagen

Become an everyday artist: Be f***ing flink! | Lars AP | TEDxBergen

Fucking Flink Parkeringsvagt

The F***ing Friendly movement: Lars AP at TEDxCopenhagen 2012