
Jeffrey Sachs

Renowned Development Economist, Director of Earth Institute Columbia University

Om Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs is regarded as one of the leading international economic advisors, with his innovative approach to economic development, poverty alleviation and globalization. In 2004 and again in 2005, he was named by Time as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. The New York Times called him "probably the most important economist in the world". The French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur named him one of the world's top fifty most important leaders in globalization. Saschs is the author of two bestsellers on sustainable global development. "Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet" warns of the collapse of the global economy that lies ahead unless we embrace a new economic paradigm that also has environmentally friendly goals in mind. In his New York Times bestseller "The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time", Sachs depicts the key to economic success in the world as it stands today. Jeffrey Sachs is also Director of The Earch Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. In addition, he is an adviser to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and has previously held other high-level advisory positions in the international picture. Sachs has advised states in Latin America, Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Asia and Africa, as well as several international government offices.


  • Climate and Sustainability
  • Sustainability
  • The 17 World Goals
  • Culture and Society
  • Globalization
  • Culture


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The Age of Sustainable Development