
Charlotte Nytoft

Stand strong in the US market - understand the business culture in the US and navigate around the typical pitfalls




Om Charlotte Nytoft

The American market is a complex size, and at the same time a particularly attractive market that demands products and services that lie within the Danish strengths. At the same time, the competition is unusually tough and there are many bidders in the US, so your company's value proposition must be razor sharp. And at the same time, it is important that your team is well equipped with the right "mindset" and an understanding of the American business culture for the company to succeed in the American market. Since 2006, Charlotte has worked to ensure the success of Danish companies in the USA and has accumulated extensive knowledge. A knowledge that she shares with the companies that want to invest in standing strong on the American market Charlotte is your liaison officer to the US market, helping you and your team safely navigate the obstacles any export adventure may encounter. You can Google a lot, but not everything - get an experienced US connoisseur along on the journey towards the company's "American Dream". One who understands what is being said between the lines in the dialogue American negotiators. One who asks the questions that are necessary and understands the frame of reference of both parties. Charlotte Nytoft can be booked for lectures on the American business culture as well as company-tailored presentations or workshops.


  • Culture and Society
  • Globalization
  • Cultural differences
  • USA
  • Management
  • Distance management
  • Change management
  • Company culture
  • Leadership groups
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Business development
  • PR
  • Sales


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Anmeldelser af Charlotte Nytoft



Baseret på 11 anmeldelser


Magnus Schyberg

12. februar 2024

Kommende intern, Cnr Consulting


Charlotte kom med et rigtigt godt oplæg. Det var konkret og nede på jorden. Det var snævret ind på et konkret område, så det ikke var svært at finde rundt i. Der var super gode og konkrete eksempler. Især det med vigtigheden af adresser blev vist på en super god måde. Hvis jeg skal komme med et "nit-pick" vil det være, at Charlotte begyndte på courage modellen, men kom kun ind på de to første elementer.

Tobias Neigaard

06. februar 2024

Market Expansion Coordinator, DK Company Vejle A/S


Super spændende og brugbart foredrag! Der var mange relevante guldkorn, som er gode at skrive bag øret til såvel nuværende som fremtidige eksport aktiviteter.

Gitte Havsager

20. december 2023

Sales Support Manager, SYSTEM CLEANERS A/S


Charlotte er yderst kompetent til at formidle hendes mangeårige viden om eksport til USA - og hun gør det, så det er let at forstå hvad hun siger.

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TBIC Video

SHOTGUN #72 - Charlotte Nytoft - USA handel - Final