
workshop med UnderCover


Workshop with strategic entertainment

Communication og Motivation




27.500,00 DKK

Beregnes senere

825,00 DKK

I alt ekskl. moms

28.325,00 DKK

25% moms

7.081,25 DKK

I alt inkl. moms *

35.406,25 DKK

Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.

An absurdly fun, motivating shot of energy for events, meetings and team building

Undercover Workshop... A workshop with challenges and laughs that is made up of games, competitions and fun absurd collaboration exercises on a crisp base of Strategic Entertainment. Where FC is introduced as a future employee or consultant who will help you with an important task and has therefore been given responsibility for today's workshop. FC is Undercover and FC's approach to the task is, to say the least, alternative... The course can easily be seen as fun alternative team building. Undercover Team Building. You experience a course that is put together like a show, where you are both actors and the spectators who are entertained. The overall course of the day is organized to a large extent with you so that the day/classes get the focus you want and you reach the finish line with a big smile. FC Consult has developed a number of tools for you that he himself is very proud of... The last tool of the day that you will be presented with is the Anthem. A humorous tribute anthem that FC has written for you, about you, your work and company. The anthem is sung in unison, and there is not a dry eye. A workshop with Strategic Entertainment fuels your company, team or organization with lots of good energy and funny stories that you can share for a long time. And gives you the opportunity to laugh together about important topics. A workshop can be organized with both outdoor and indoor activities, and often we can also have a 100% indoor plan B ready in case of sudden bad weather.

Foredragsholder: UnderCover

Varighed: 90 - 180 minutter

Emner: Communication, Cooperation, Goals, HR, Job satisfaction og Motivation

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk




Baseret på 17 anmeldelser


Tue Sanderhage

19. marts 2024

Direktør, Vestegnen HF & VUC

Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag


Hej Finn Selv tak for sidst. Folk griner stadig og til aftenens middag lavede bordene klap på lommer osv. 😁


10. marts 2024

Head of Agency / Literary Agent, Gyldendal Group Agency

Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag


Vi har haft den store fornøjelsen at have besøg af Undercover i forbindelse med et personalearrangement i husets salg, presse- og marketingafdeling. Det var med stor nervøsitet, at vi inviterede Finn som konsulent til et oplæg, der havde til formål at "optimere på videndeling, samarbejde og kommunikation de tre afdelinger imellem" - en nervøsitet der imidlertid straks blev gjort til skamme. Oplægget var yderst underholdende, skævt og tankevækkende, hvor Finn formåede hele seancen igennem at bala...

Betina Gade

04. marts 2024

Forretningscontroller, Aarhus Universitet

Anmeldelse handler om: Workshop


Hej Finn, Endnu engang tusind tak for et fantastisk arrangement. Snakken går i dag på kontoret hvor genialt og gennemført det var lavet. Alt muligt ros herfra J Jeg laver en god anmeldelse på Trustpilot. Med venlig hilsen Betina Gade