
talk med Lotte Thor Høgsberg

The value of a professional mediator, moderator and host

Celebrities, Communication, Culture and Society og Presentation technique




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A professional moderator can tie your entire event together

The virtual meetings and conferences are very similar to making live TV programmes, where it is about conveying and retaining your audience, therefore it is valuable to have a present and professional studio host and interviewer as moderator for meetings or conferences. In addition to her long television career, Lotte Thor has many years of experience as a moderator and speaker for both private and public companies and associations. She can both start and end events, tie them together and along the way interview presenters on stage and manage panel debates as well as discussions with the audience. Whether it is a physical or virtual stage, a moderator, studio host and interviewer make a valuable and positive contribution to binding the event together and retaining the participants. It sharpens the participants' concentration and gives room to nuance important information and content that must be implemented or communicated. In short, the experience of a meeting or conference becomes sharper and more appetizing. As a customer, you can confidently trust that the agenda and timing are kept on a leash by Lotte Thor, and at the same time she contributes to the good company because she understands the premise. "I have interviewed and been a studio host for over 20 years. I've talked to thousands of people, that's what gives me energy. My greatest potential lies in helping to share knowledge, create a positive atmosphere and together with you achieve the best sessions – virtually or physically”. Quote Lotte Thor.

Foredragsholder: Lotte Thor Høgsberg

Varighed: 15 - 180 minutter

Emner: Celebrities, Communication, Cooperation, Culture and Society, Dissemination, Politics, Presentation technique og Sport

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


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