
talk med Arne Nielsson


The will is in the heart

Personal development




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Where is the will to overcome the most difficult challenges?

This lecture focuses on handling the major challenges in life - privately and professionally. Arne Nielsson, in collaboration with Bjarne Lellek, psychologist and associate professor at Haderslev Seminarium, and Marianne Schjøtt Rohweder, journalist and author, has written the book "The will sits in the heart". Based on the book, Arne provides inspiration for a better life - a life in which we will all face major challenges in the form of death, divorce, illness, unemployment or disappearing joy in life. Arne Nielsson has personally experienced that his world came crashing down when his wife told him one day that she no longer loved him. On the basis of this announcement, Arne had to try to fight his way through, and he made particular use of the following four points: - How do you give meaning to the crisis? - Don't turn your back on the problems - Always keep hope - What is the best for you regardless of the tough situation you find yourself in? However, these are only some of the things that Arne suddenly had to decide on in order to find 'Den Nye Arne' - an Arne that his wife chose to come back to after being moved away from him for 10 months. Arne Nielsson draws parallels from personal crises to business-related crises.

Foredragsholder: Arne Nielsson

Varighed: 15 - 150 minutter

Emner: Coaching, Focus, Personal development og Personal effectiveness

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online




Baseret på 97 anmeldelser


Angelle Peters

25. april 2024

Head of People and Culture, Les Deux


Arne har en naturlig evne til at formidle et budskab på en spændende måde, hvilket får folk til at reflektere over deres egen bevidsthed. Hans præsentation er skræddersyet til sit publikum og skaber et interaktivt univers med deling af viden og sjove historier, der berører tilhørerne.

Anne Harrits

08. marts 2024

Leder, Akademiet for Talentfulde Unge | Midt


Akademiet for Talentfulde Unge | Midt havde den store fornøjelse at have Arne Nielsson til for 4. år i træk at give vores nye elever inspiration til at tage fat på deres egen talentudvikling og på at skabe en kultur og et fællesskab på holdet, hvor vi anerkender og ser hinanden, hvor alle vil hinandens bedste og derfor er optagede af at spille hinanden gode, og hvor motivation og engagement er afgørende. Arne Nielsson formår på sin helt egen måde både at bringe selv sig i spil samtidig med, at ...

Morten kaas Jespersen

08. marts 2024

CEO, Faunakram Pet Food A/S


Super engareret og inspirerende