
workshop med Laura Faurschou


Tailor-made workshop - Collaboration / Teambuilding

Culture and Society og Motivation




20.000,00 DKK

Beregnes senere

600,00 DKK

I alt ekskl. moms

20.600,00 DKK

25% moms

5.150,00 DKK

I alt inkl. moms *

25.750,00 DKK

Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.

Play each other good

At this workshop, you will discover how you play well with each other so that you do not lose momentum in solving tasks and you will be asked how you can use each other's differences as strengths and how you create high energy and motivation in the team. By delving into similarities and differences, you know why misunderstandings and conflicts arise and understand what you can do to avoid them in the future, so that you have greater success with communication and cooperation. You get the key to a nuanced and innovative view of task solving, how you make significantly better decisions and create innovative solutions. I can include Play Your Talent, which is an innovative personality test. An App solution that you can have at hand 24/7 and thus retain the insight you gain at the workshop, so that you create real changes in everyday collaboration. There is an additional cost for using Play Your Talent of NOK 500 per participant

Foredragsholder: Laura Faurschou

Varighed: 120 - 240 minutter

Emner: Culture, Culture and Society, Diversity, Job satisfaction, Motivation og Talent development

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk




Baseret på 6 anmeldelser


Lise Rex Christensen

12. oktober 2023

Executive Assistant , Maersk


Big thanks to Laura who in 60 mins ensured my manager to feel safe, inspired and ready to facilitate a large Town Hall. Laura has a very natural approach to business related topics and she instantly get where she can help/guide/provide feedback. For my manager this also meant that with a few tips and tricks, he all of a sudden come across more powerful and trustworty - which is key when you have to stand in front of a large group of people. Thank you Laura! You are the best!

Kicki Boss

07. juni 2023

Founder, tekstforfatter & contentspecialist, KickiBoss


I Laura fik jeg en helt fantastisk og konstruktiv sparringspartner på både mit oplæg og performance. Det gik langt ud over mine forventninger, hvor meget på MIT hold, jeg følte Laura var, og med hendes hjælp blev jeg både mile bedre og mentalt tryg og klar til at performe. Hun får mine varmeste anbefalinger.

Helena Linding

12. maj 2023

Ejer , ByLinding


Det var en kæmpe fornøjelse at arbejde sammen med Laura Faurschou, som afholdte et oplæg for 177 medarbejdere fra CFa Novo Nordisk på Tivoli Congress Center. En helt magisk, autentisk og nærværende performance - takket være din unikke energi og ekspertise. Jeg vil til enhver tid anbefale Laura som speaker for et så stort publikum! Det var en sand fornøjelse have dig på scenen Laura.