
talk med Mille Bruun Sjøgren

Set your employees free - the workplace of the future

Future and Research og Communication




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What does the future workplace look like for the employees?

Set your employees free A lecture about the workplace of the future and the megatrends currently affecting the labor market. Megatrends that you as a manager must know, and not least what your organization can learn from freelancers. The future came with corona 10 years earlier than expected, and it made completely new demands on many organisations. Requirements that freelancers and remote workers have known about for years; namely how to work flexibly, agilely and adapt - and not least how to lead yourself (self-management). As a manager, are you ready to set your employees free and achieve their true potential? It may sound scary to let your employees go, because how are you supposed to be able to manage them and make sure they get what they need to do? The short answer is: You shouldn't. The lecture is an inspirational lecture for managers and their employees on how they can create a flexible and productive interaction so that everyone is a winner and utilizes their full potential. The lecture contains - Global trends: Studies show that 30 percent of all Danes would like to quit. They are part of a larger global trend, The great resignation, which is one of the trends currently affecting the labor market, and the reason is simple. Many want more than working according to an old paradigm in a fixed framework. They want purpose and flexibility. The labor market is changing at breakneck speed, which is why you have to keep up. Remote work and flexibility: Mille's 10 years of experience as a digital nomad, freelancer and business owner. What does flexibility look like in the extreme sense. How do you meet deadlines, do you have contact with employees from, for example, a jungle in Panama? And what does it mean to not just talk about flexibility, but actually implement it and set your employees free? Self-management: What can you learn from your freelancer about remote work, deadlines, self-management and responsibility? Competences that will be required of every employee in the future. Time in the future will be fluid, and there is no longer a great distance between private life and working life. How will it affect organizations and employees? When you go home from release your employees, both employee and manager have a new understanding of what the future labor market and workplace require of employees and managers in relation to flexibility, time and responsibility, and how they will come from 2022 and into the future among another with a focus on remote work and flexibility.

Foredragsholder: Mille Bruun Sjøgren

Varighed: 15 - 120 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Communication, Future, Future and Research og Future trends

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


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