
talk med Lars Berendt

How to inspire through internal communication

Celebrities, Communication, Personal development, Presentation technique og Technology




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How is internal communication qualified and optimized in the company?

In this post, Lars Berendt puts into perspective how you qualify and optimize the internal communication in your company, organization or association. With his experience as responsible for internal information and communication in professional and voluntary contexts, Lars Berendt covers the entire spectrum from "nice to know" to "need to know" in his review. Including everything from how you convey fundamental, formal information, how you work the internal communication into product launches as well as new offers, activities and policies, how you think about the reception in the communication – including the reception from a potential, critical recipient group, and how you integrate the internal communication in your work with issue management and crisis management. And not least, how you align expectations and optimally use internal communication to create satisfaction and engagement among employees or members. And thus the use of internal communication as inspiration in the company, organization or association. You will also get examples of how Lars Berendt, in line with technological development, has actively linked internal communication with external communication. And how he has differentiated between internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. Lars Berendt experienced for the first time the importance of effective and reliable internal information and communication in relation to a large staff group as a passenger manager in one of three forwarding companies at Copenhagen Airport. The experiences helped inspire him to make communication his occupation. First as an advisor in two agencies, then as head of communications in the Danish Football Union (1991-2014), which, in addition to a board and a central administration, also includes a decentralized organization in its structure; a board of representatives, two member organisations, six local unions, 1,700 football clubs with thousands of managers and coaches and 330,000 active football players of all ages.

Foredragsholder: Lars Berendt

Varighed: 15 - 60 minutter

Emner: Celebrities, Challenges, Communication, Conflict management, Digitization, Dissemination, Personal development, Presentation technique, Sport og Technology

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online


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