
talk med Thomas Markersen


The PIN code for effective communication

Management, Motivation og Personal development




16.500,00 DKK

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How do you optimize communication in the organisation?

The matrix organizations of working life, many meetings, decisions, agreements and ongoing updates of projects and skills, place great demands on our abilities to communicate clearly and cooperatively. It is clear that projects run aground on a lack of understanding between parties, that many conflicts arise due to misunderstandings, that perhaps the most widespread source of frustration in modern working life is poor communication. Here follows a lecture for you and your company that will optimize clarity and friendliness in daily conversations. The result: that all employees gain insight into and some practice in following three steps for good communication. A form that Thomas has recently disseminated and trained both specialists, HR partners and managers in, i.a. LEGO and Ørsted. You get the following with you: - Better insight into what characterizes good communication. - Memorable and inspiring cases that support learning. - Masterclass where Thomas both participates and demonstrates the PIN code, and offers to guide and support participants in trying the method live. In the lecture, we will discuss the following basic principles: - Positivity. The importance of the "continued games" in working life. You have to talk in a way that makes others want to collaborate with us again. You must aim to "win together". - Curiosity. That you owe it to yourself, each other and the company to maintain your interest in what is really going on. We can all learn from each other. - Negotiation. That everyone is employed and gets paid for what they can do. Therefore, you must be honest and be able to stand up for personal values, and what you think is best. In a way where you simultaneously maintain positivity and the joy of working together. - The miracle of good conversations. That conversations transform what we thought we knew. That by virtue of following a good conversation method, you not only put into words what you find important, but actually also strengthen your own view of things. - An effective and immediately applicable method, as well as a printout with good advice for daily use. The target group is everyone who finds themselves in a working life where good communication is essential for daily operations, top performance and general well-being. The lecture is also delivered as a short standard of up to 45 minutes - see under Thomas' other lectures

Foredragsholder: Thomas Markersen

Varighed: 15 - 90 minutter

Emner: Job satisfaction, Management, Motivation, Personal development, Psychology og Work environment

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online

The product is available in the regions: Capital Region, Zealand




Baseret på 5 anmeldelser


Malene Thune

07. juni 2021

Erhvervshus Midtjylland


Vi fik så gode tilbagemeldinger fra vores erfarne virksomhedskonsulenter, på Thomas’ foredrag om Selvledelse i en Corona tid, at vi bookede ham til afholde samme foredrag igen. Alle som en var de begejstrede for det både underholdende og indsigtsgivende foredrag, med helt konkrete råd og anvisninger.

Søren Sølyst

07. juni 2021

Senior Manager, LEGO


Thomas Markersen har undervist i flere omgange i PIN koden for kommunikation til både specialister og vores internationale ledergruppe. Vi har kun fået gode tilbagemeldinger. Det er især hans evne til at formidle og forenkle hvad god kommunikation egentlig vil sige, som vi har taget til os. han gør det både forståeligt, inspirerende og anvendeligt. Jeg kan varmt anbefale Thomas og PIN koden til alle, der vil optimere på kommunikation og godt samarbejde i virksomheden.

Regitze Siggaard

07. juni 2021

Health Manager, Ørsted


Jeg har haft den store fornøjelse at samarbejde med Thomas i forbindelse med udvikling af målrettede tiltag i forbindelse med forebyggelse af mobning og chikane. Herunder specifikke formularer for god kommunikation. Hans store erfaring i kombination med evnen til hurtigt at forstå de forskellige behov hos forskellige medarbejdergrupper har været guld værd i forbindelse med at skabe de ønskede resultater.