
workshop med Tina Marie-Louise Campbell


Get the futurist's tips for more labor market success

Future and Research og Management




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This is how you get more flexibility and social sustainability in the management of the future

Do you want to be a leader in the labor market of the future? And do you want to ensure that your management and project management are prepared for the needs of the future? Then there are some future trends and tendencies that you should be familiar with. And Tina takes you through them in this workshop. Tina has polished the huge fortune teller before her visit to you and shows you the eight strongest future trends within social sustainability. Based on these trends, she facilitates good discussions that get the employees completely on board to support the management's plans to stand stronger in the future. WHO IS THE WORKSHOP FOR? The workshop is for those of you who want innovative and entertaining methods that put you at the forefront of social sustainability (CSR). Tina starts from the latest trends and shows you how you can kick-start your development and integrate social responsibility in an easy, fast and visual way. Tina will take you on an exciting and fun journey into the development history of the 'office hussy' and explore the vital role you will play in the future. How can you use futures research to solve the need for increased flexibility in the labor market? Universal Futurist Tina gives you that answer in this brand new and very current workshop. Don't let this unique opportunity to become pioneers in the labor market of the future pass you by. Register for the workshop today and help shape the future.

Foredragsholder: Tina Marie-Louise Campbell

Varighed: 210 - 240 minutter

Emner: Future and Research, Future trends, Leadership groups, Management og Trend

Sprog: Dansk


Tilgængelig fysisk




Baseret på 4 anmeldelser


Jane Holm

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Det var et super og vedkommende oplæg. Nede på jorden, men forståelige danske ord - og en positiv, ærlig og ivrig udstråling.  Superflot og professionelt oplæg, jeg gerne anbefaler til andre 

Per Topp

27. januar 2023

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Det kan stadig mærkes – suset og tavsheden efter Tina holdt sit foredrag om sin usandsynligt hårde opvækst. Det der samtidigt skinner igennem efter den morgen hvor hun besøgte netværket, er evnen til bevidst at holde fast i dér hvor vi kan gøre en forskel for os selv og ikke mindst andre. Turen med Tina bliver aldrig for omklamrende eller et oplæg der byder op til ”Nåh – hvor er det synd for mig- dans”. Og netop det er skønt befriende og livgivende. Man kan godt sidde tilbage med sin egen ”sten...