
talk med Ingrid Ann Watson

Learn the 5 working languages and create good colleague karma

Future and Research, Communication, Management og Motivation




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Why is good communication the key to collaboration and job satisfaction?

Through this lecture, Ingrid Ann Watson will make you familiar with the 5 working languages that will make your everyday life easier, as well as the 5 ways to give constructive and loving criticism, and you will quickly see the difference in your everyday life. The course has techniques and tools that you can easily learn and that you can use right away. You will become much better at collaborating, saying what you mean and being understood, as well as utilizing and strengthening your own strong points. Cooperation begins with good communication – and gives high job satisfaction. The easiest way to create good communication is to become aware of the 5 working languages, which are about learning and then pay attention to which specific appreciative language makes it easiest for you to communicate with your colleagues, your employees. When you master these working languages, you get an invaluable tool for giving praise that is heard and accepted. A lot of praise for work is heard at the moment, but is quickly forgotten again. If you use the 5 working languages, the praise stays put and gives the colleague/employee the feeling of being a more competent employee, which gives more desire to work and greater job satisfaction. If you use the 5 work languages together with the 5 apology languages, it is a really effective way to change. The person you are talking to hears what is being said and does not have to protect themselves from what used to feel like criticism. You simply become better at conversing in a welcoming way.

Foredragsholder: Ingrid Ann Watson

Varighed: 15 - 60 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Communication, Cooperation, Future, Future and Research, Job satisfaction, Management, Motivation og Work environment

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


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