
workshop med Camilla Lærke Lærkesen


From unconscious small talk to conscious networking

Communication og Personal development




16.500,00 DKK

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21.243,75 DKK

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How do you build and maintain a relevant and useful network?

A strong and relevant network may be the way to your next job, your new girlfriend or the turning point in your life. But what if you don't have a large network, aren't the Danish champion in small talk and or simply don't have the time? The good news is that we already have a huge network we can draw on. What we need to learn is to activate it and use it consciously. Networking is like putting together a puzzle. We are all sitting with a huge handful of pieces: our contacts, our experiences, our expert knowledge. They fit together crosswise with people we have known for a long time and those we have just met – or maybe never met, but only chatted with. Our task is to put the puzzle together. We do this by first looking carefully at our own pieces: what do I have in my hand? What do I need to be able to put something down? And then look at the others: Do I have something on hand that matches the neighbour's? Camilla Lærkesen specializes in networking according to her own type and gives good advice to both introverts and extroverts on how they can make their networking efforts more efficient and play well with each other across personality types. During the workshop: - You gain a greater understanding of other types than your own - Do you learn to communicate with other types than your own - Do you achieve stronger collaboration in the workplace - Do you get strategies to build and maintain a relevant and useful network - Do you get strategies for networking according to your own personality type - Do you get inspiration to network in new and playful ways that benefit everyone in the relationship

Foredragsholder: Camilla Lærke Lærkesen

Varighed: 60 - 180 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Communication, Cooperation, Network, Personal development og Personal effectiveness

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online




Baseret på 3 anmeldelser



24. februar 2022

Controller, DEAS A/S


Personaleforeningen MIDEAS havde stor fornøjelse af at Camilla kom forbi. Der er kommet rigtig mange gode snakke ud af det her i virksomheden, og jeg tror også at nogle af vores ledere er blevet inspireret af temaet for foredraget. Camilla er en dygtig foredragsholder, som har styr på strukturen af foredraget og det var helt tydeligt at der var en plan med hvad vi skulle igennem, samt at forberedelsen var i top. Vi er meget glade for at vi valgte at få Camilla på besøg, og vi blev i den grad i...

Tanja Neergaard

14. september 2021

Business Support Manager, OK amba


Camilla er en super god formidler, og hun fik i den grad alle med, fordi vi alle ret let kunne forholde os til hvilken type vi er. Det gav endvidere mange aha oplevelser om hvorfor vi oplever verden helt forskelligt, og hvordan vi kan blive mere bevidste om hvordan vi samarbejder.

Gisla Soltau Faber

06. april 2021

Senior konsulent, Trustworks A/S
