
talk med Line Vincentz Mansour

Being a Danish female leader in a Middle Eastern 'man's world'

Culture and Society, Management og Personal development




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How to become a successful female leader in a male-dominated world?

Threat and trophy at the same time! What does it mean, as a Danish female manager, to be subject to exclusively male boards. Middle Eastern Male Boards. Line Vincentz Mansour gives a lecture about 'surviving' and having to fight for his beliefs, values and goals on a daily basis - also with culture and language as eternal noise nuisances. About constantly having to prove your worth and working side by side with hidden agendas. About what it does to a person to be measured and weighed daily? About having to cooperate despite the other party's lack of competence to hold the assigned post and deliberate misunderstanding/exploitation of the 'board concept'. About making use of her 'female masculinity' and at the same time insisting on high heels and colorful matching outfits. And not least about having fun with people's reactions to a Danish female leader!

Foredragsholder: Line Vincentz Mansour

Varighed: 15 - 90 minutter

Emner: Cultural differences, Culture and Society, Discrimination, Female leadership, Identity, Integration, Management og Personal development

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


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